Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Coronation Tea, 1953

Coronation Tea, 1953

with one unhappy partygoer!

John Bond commented: "I've just been looking at the photograph of the coronation party. It was held opposite my grandfather's green grocery yard on  Common Road. Not far from the Greyhound Pub. The lady on the far left is my mother Kathleen Bond and next to her Betty Hood nee Bond. The small fair-haired girl behind the boy with the cap is my sister Pat Bond. Directly opposite her is a small fair-haired boy with his face looking down. That is Steven Blay. 
Can anyone else identify those in the photograph?"

Clare Stevens-Gaboury added: "My mother, Maria Stevens, is the woman on the far right, looking directly into the camera. My brother, Paul Stevens, is the little boy below her, he is looking to the right of the photograph. I believe the gentleman at the back of the photo, wearing the cap, is Mr. Pass."

1 comment:

  1. My mum - Jennifer James née Bond - is the little blonde girl with the white bow next to the lady with the kettle! She would've been 10 years old. I assume that her twin sister, Pauline, is the little girl with the party hat on behind her.
