Memories of Eton Wick People

Every person who has lived in Eton Wick have their memories. The History Group have a collection of them on this website. Here are the links to these personal stories please let us have yours.

Florence I Wilson: The Changing Face of Eton Wick

Steven Denham: A Sixties Childhood in Eton Wick.

Ernie Wilks: Memories of the 1947 Flood 

Dick Harding: How Town Gas came to Eton Wick.

Bill Welford: Memories of Eton Wick.


  1. Beverley Price née Ross12 December 2023 at 23:20

    I've been browsing through the site and thoroughly enjoyed reading people's memories.
    I was born at home, Willow Place, Eton, in 1958 to Michael and Irene Ross. Mum, Dad, my older sister Gillian and I moved to our new house in Haywards Mead in 1960. My younger sister Janet was born in 1962.
    We all attended Eton Wick school, I was there from 1963 to 1969. We all remember Mr Moss. I was in James's school year and Amanda Denhams. Mum was a lunch time supervisor at the school, along with Joan Jeffs and Sheila Dell, Mums very dear friends.
    After leaving Slough Technical High School, as it was then known, now Herschel High, I left the village, aged 17, to start my nurse training.
    I came back to the village to get married in 1982.
    I now live in Suffolk and have done since 1986. Both my children were born here.
    As a family we have been constant visitors to the village, sadly until this year, 2023, when Mum passed away. Mum had remained in our family home until 2022. Dad passed away in 2005.
    Lots of fond memories of people, village events and activities, Brownies, Youth Club, Village Fete on the Wheatbutts, going to the Horseshoes ... I could go on and probably have!

    1. Hello Beverley, thank you for your comment and memories of Eton Wick. Amanda certainly remembers you, she lives in Hampshire.
