Thursday, 12 March 2015

The Hayward

The Hayward, Eton Wick South Field

Mr 'Hammer' Stannett was for many years the Lammas hayward. He is pictured here minding cows and horses on South Field. Windsor Castle is in the left background, and the 'Chinese Bridge' and river just out of the picture on the right. The hayward grazed the cattle over Lammas lands from the commons, the Slads, Eton Wick Recreation Ground, South Field and back home.

The milking herds have virtually all gone, and with them the hayward, but residents still benefit from the rural legacy of open fields all around them, as Eton and Eton Wick are virtually surrounded by Lammas or common land, preventing urban sprawl. A similar photograph of 'Hammer', has featured in a number of county and national publications. Haywards Mead housing development was named after the hayward.


  1. Just wondered if anyone knew what Hammer Stannett's real name was. Not sure if it's Henry or George.

    1. Henry Stannett, my gt gt grandfather was Hayward and in picture

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  4. The 1939 Register that was taken late September of that year after the start of WW2 records 5 households with the Stannett surname. Rose at 19, Vaughan Gardens, Henry & Edith at 11, and Sidney & Elsie at 14, Clifton Cottages, George & Emily at 5 Palmers Place and Albert & Elizabeth at 5 Harding Cottages.

    Sidney, aged 38 was a house painter, George, aged 45 was a house plasterer, Albert, aged 43 was a house decorator and Henry, aged 66 was a small holder. From this information in the 1939 register I think that it is reasonable to assume that Henry was the Hayward.

    I do hope that this is useful for your family researches

    Steve Denham
