Monday, 5 September 2022

Photographic History - Village Characters - The Hammertons

The Hammertons 

The Hammerton family at a village cricket match around 1909. Mr Hammerton stands behind his three daughters, and seated at the right-hand end are believed to be his sons George, Fred and Charles. The Cricket Club was founded in 1889 and played for many years on Eton Wick Great Common. This photograph was taken at the west end of the common near Sheepcote Road. 

Village Youths c1913/14 

This picture was probably taken in Inkerman Road and is one of the few photographs in the History Group's records with no definitive information. Most, if not all the youngsters would have served in the Great War. Tentative identifications suggest that the second from left, back row is Fred Hammerton (see family photo above) awarded the MM; third from the left is Ern Brown (killed at Passchendaele in 1917); the single lad in the cloth cap, standing is Norman Lane (R.F.C.); the sailor on the left is Roll Bond. and the one on the right Bill Wicks, both of whom saw service at sea with the Royal Navy. 

This article was first published in A Pictorial History of Eton Wick & Eton.

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