The income of the Trust comes from the rent of houses
built on land owned by the Trust just south of the bridge in Eton High Street. The
trustees are empowered to spend the money on repairing the bridge and its surface
or erecting a new one when necessary, and to spend any excess money 'in such ways
as seem to be best and to the most advantage of the inhabitants and parishioners
of Eton'. For many decades there was apparently no balance to spend, in fact not
until 1668 when the apprenticeship fees of four boys were paid. There followed another
long period of inactivity until the middle of the eighteenth century, when for a
short period bundles of flax were bought and given to needy parishioners for spinning.
This was not a very common method of giving help, but had been tried for many years
with varying degrees of success in Windsor. In 1714 and 1764 twenty six families
were given gifts of food and later in the century £20 was expended on the poor.
At the turn of the century flour and faggots were given to the workhouse and a few
years later clothing and blankets were sent to cottagers suffering from the floods.
As the century progressed the number and variety of causes helped by the Trust increased
considerably. Many of the old causes are now irrelevant to the modern way of life,
but numerous clubs and societies have benefited from financial help from the Trust,
and in 1947 many people were grateful for contributions from it to alleviate the
damage caused by the floods of that year.
Since 1773 the trustees have also been responsible for
disposing of the interest from the £150 left in the will of Joseph Benwell, and
since 1787 for the interest from Joseph Pote's legacy. The way in which Benwell's
money is spent is at the discretion of the trustees and was usually expended in
providing coals for elderly people. On the other hand Joseph Pote directed that
the income from his legacy should be spent twice yearly on bread to be given to
poor parishioners attending particular church services. For well over sixty years
the terms of the will were complied with literally, but during the last century
this became unpractical and instead the bread was distributed to the houses of the
poor. Today, with the change in the value of money, the combine income from the
two legacies is too small to do even that. In recent years further donations have
been received and they, together with money from the Baldwin Bridge Trust itself,
is used so that over a hundred senior citizens each year at Christmas receive a
voucher which can be spent at one of three shops in the parish selling not only
bread but also other groceries.
This is the final part of the serialisation of The Story of a Village - Eton Wick - 1217 - 1977. The Eton Wick History Group is most grateful for the kind permission of Judith Hunter's husband to publish her book on its website.
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