Monday, 2 March 2020

War Memorial Committee Meetings March 1920

Committee Meeting held March 2nd 1920 

Mr Vaughan reported that the Provost of Eton would unveil the Memorial at 4 p.m. March 13th. Mr Nutt agreed to accept a reduced fee. Colonel Sheepshanks and Captain Houton (College Officers) hoped to attend the ceremony. A letter was read from the 2nd Life Guards regarding, their band attending. Mr Percy to consult with the Vicar regarding the programme, and Major Hall re the band. Agreed that Servicemen and discharged sailors and soldiers should assemble at the Institute at 3.30.  Secretary to have bills printer and sent out.

Committee Meeting held March 5th 1920

Proof of programme submitted. Due to shortage of funds the Committee agreed the expense of programmes could not be justified. All agreed to pay two shillings each. Mr Vaughan agreed to arrange for transport of the Life Guards Band. Hymn 166 to be substituted for Hymn 608.

Committee Meeting held March 10th 1920

Mr Vaughan confirmed having arranged for the College motor to transport the Life Guards. Decided to print 250 programmes at a cost of £2.4s.0d. The Committee paid 2/- each and the Vicar the balance. Mr Vaughan to ask the Provost to wear his Official Robes. Both Councils to be sent invites to the ceremony. Mr Ashman and Mr Barrett offered to attend at the gate. Mr Barrett kindly donated a wreath. The Vicar to arrange for teas in the the school room for the Band. 

Committee Meeting held March 23rd 1920

Discussion for the need of more money. An expected short fall of £16 or more when accounts are in hand. The names of Peter Knight and Harry Quarterman should perhaps have been on the memorial. The matter was deferred pending enquiries regarding H.Q. Secretary to write letter of thanks the Life Guards.

This is an extract from Their Names Shall Be Carved in Stone  

and published here with grateful thanks to the author Frank Bond.

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