Monday, 17 April 2023

Tough Assignment - Chapel Officials in 1961

Chapel Officials in 1961


Society Stewards

Mrs Annie Chew



Miss Daphne Hogg,


Messrs Harry Cook and


Ernest Drake


Assistant Society Steward

Mr Leslie Hogg


Chapel Steward

Mr Harry Cook


Trust Secretary & Treasurer

Miss Sylvia Chew


Poor Stewards

Mrs Sophie Chamberlain



and Miss Nancy Banister



Mr Tom Dally


Assistant Organist

Miss Joyce Chew


Cradle Roll Secretary

Mrs Lily Bye


Class Leaders

Mrs Annie Chew



Mr Tom Dally



Miss Marjorie Morris



Miss Sylvia Chew


Sunday School Superintendent

Miss Marjorie Morris



Miss Sylvia Chew



Mr Peter Morris



Mr John Foster



Misses Mable Woolhouse,



Sylvia Chew,



Marjorie Morris



Messrs Peter Morris and



Leslie Hogg.



Miss Muriel Cleary and



Mr John Foster


Sisterhood President

Miss Dorothy Banister



Mrs Annie Jacobs



Mrs Hilda Paice


Thrift Club

Mrs Daisy Morrell


Sick Visitor

Mrs Cresswell


Women's Work Secretary

Mrs Hilda Paice



Mrs Ivy Hogg


Home Missions Secretary

Miss Marjorie Morris


Overseas Missions Secretary

Miss Sylvia Chew


JMA Secretary

Mr Peter Morris


Youth Club Leader

Miss Daphne Hogg



Mr John Foster


Misses Muriel Cleary


and Nancy Banister


Ladies Club President

Mrs Hilda Paice



Mrs Edna Nelson



Mrs Mary Betchley





Chapel keeper

Mrs Daisy Morrell


Chapel Membership - 31

Sunday School Scholars-74


These are the people that led the Methodist congregation and the other active members at the Chapels 75th anniversary.

The Eton Wick History Group is most grateful for the kind permission given by the Eton Wick Methodist Chapel to republish this history, Tough Assignment on this website.

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