Wednesday, 4 December 2019

World War 2 Eighty Years On - “The Phoney War”

During the first three months of the war, emergency powers taken by the Government changed the nations way of living. Many local families now shared their homes with billeted war workers, service personnel and evacuees. This brought much extra work for the housewife, with extra washing, cooking and shopping, but generally by the Christmas of 1939 a routine had been established and most were getting on with the burden of war. The National Service Act had embraced men, nineteen to forty one years liable for conscription  to the services or other work of national importance.  Much of the administration for these acts was carried out by the local Councils under the guidance of the appropriate Ministry. At the close of the year the war was be referred to as “The Phoney War” because of the lack of any real action in France, but there had been defeats and victories.  Poland had been occupied by German forces, and at sea U-Boats had sunk the battleship H.M.S. Royal Oak, the aircraft carrier H.M.S Courageous as well as many merchant ships. The Royal Navy had  fought an action with the German battleship Admiral Graf Spee, in which the latter suffer damage and was eventually scuttled by her captain on orders from Hitler.

German propaganda broadcasts beamed to Britain commenced  with  the announcer “Lord Haw - Haw” saying  "Germany Calling, Germany Calling". On one occasion he was heard to comment on the hard times that were being suffered by Eton Boys and their parents. Before further comments of their plight could be heard the programme was jammed and faded out by the British. At the time Top hats were still being worn by the college boys, a very tempting target for evacuee children, who, when the opportunity arose. took great pleasure in knocking them off.

This is an extract from Round and About Eton Wick: 1939 - 1945. The book was researched, written and published in 2001 by John Denham. 

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