Sunday, 29 September 2019

World War 2 Eighty Years On - The 1939 Register for Eton Wick

With in a month of the Declaration of War by Neville Chamberlain in 1939 a record of every household in the UK was taken. The Register was taken on 29 September 1939 and the information was used to produce identity cards and, once rationing was introduced in January 1940, to issue ration books. Information in the Register was also used to administer conscription and the direction of labour, and to monitor and control the movement of the population caused by military mobilisation and mass evacuation. The Register was designed to capture the details of every member of the civilian population – military personnel were not recorded. It contains details of around 40 million people, recorded in more than 65,000 volumes (transcript books). 
A house in Prospect Place

The enumerator for Eton Wick recorded the names and details of 1,294 people in 313 households. Emma Woolhouse was the oldest person living in the village, she was 94 years old. Emma's first two homes in the village after marrying Thomas Woolhouse was at 8 and 2 Prospect Place. The 1939 Register records that the 10 houses that made up Prospect Place were empty.

The youngest child on the Register was Joan Tarrant who was 1 month old.

It should be noted that the 1939 Register recorded Eton Wick and Boveney New Town as one community following the Local Government Act of 1933 that brought to an end the separate councils for the two neighbouring communities and created Eton Urban District Council.

The Register includes the extra war time duties that residents had volunteered for. There are a number of closed records in the 1939 Register that has been released by the National Records Office. Local research has been able to add a further 13 names to the information available in the Register. 

You can view a transcription of the 1939 Register for Eton Wick by clicking on this link. or pasting this URL in to your internet browser: 

Given Name Surname Extra duties
William Akers Auxiliary Fireman Eton UDC
George Ball Special Constable
Henry Barton Auxiliary Fireman
George Batt Police Messenger
Harry Batt Special Constable
John Bell Special Constable
John Bidmead Auxiliary Fireman
Charles Bond Ambulance Driver
Frank  Bond ARP messenger
Albert Bond ARP Warden
Eddie Bond Police Messenger
Ernie Bond Police Messenger
John Bow Ambulance Services First Aid Service Merthyr 
Laura Bow British Red Cross Nursing Services Merthyr 
William Brown ARP
David  Bryant Police Messenger
Edwin  Buckland Special Policeman
Harry  Burfoot Rescue and Demolition
Alice Burfoot Womens Volunteer Service
Harold Carpenter Auxiliary Fire Service Eton UDC
Henry Carpenter Auxiliary Fireman, Pump operator
Arthur Chamberlain ARP Air Raid Warden
Millicent A  Chantler Red Cross Nurse
Henry Chantler Air Raid Warden Eton UDC
Sylvia Chew ARP Ambulance Driver
Joyce Chew ARP Ambulance Driver
Archibald Chew ARP Joint Committee Evacuees
Miriam Chew Red Cross Civil Nursing Reserve
Annie Chew Womens Volunteer Service
Arthur Codd ARP Eton UDC
William Collyer ARP Windsor Castle
Harriett Cook Air Raid Warden Eton UDC
Albert Cooley ARP Road Repair Squad
Peter Cooley St John's Ambulance Nobel's Slough DIY Military Hospital
Ernest Drake ARP Senior Warden
Walter  Elkins ARP Warden
George Eyles ARP Warden (W. Thrupp Chief warden)
Douglas Eyles Police Messenger
Harry Friend Special Constable
Bob Friend Special Policeman
Mary Graham ARP First Aid
William Graham ARP Warden
Arthur Gregory ARP Warden Eton
Arthur Grubb ARP Emergency motor driver 
Lavina Hammerton Red Cross Nurse
Robert Heath ARP Services Somerset CC
George Hedges ARP Stretcher Bearer
Albert Hood Ambulance Driver
Lilian Husted Red Cross Nurse Enrolled for training
George Jacobs Demolition Squad(?)
Marion Johnson Air Raid Warden
Henry Johnson Auxiliary Fireman
George Kelley Special Constable
Peter Kemp Sgt. RAF VR no. 74097
Arthur Lane Special Constable
Norman Lane Special Policeman
Jane Mc Millan Red Cross Nurse
Frederick Mead Air Raid Warden
George Mills Retained Fireman Eton RDC
Richard Mitchener Auxiliary Fireman Reading
Thomas Morrell Rescue and Demolition Slough Borough Council
Albert Morrell Special Constable
Reverend Morris ARP Warden
Maurice North Auxiliary Fireman
John Oxlade ARP Rescue and Demolition
James Pass ARP Decontamination
Albert Prior Rescue and Demolition Eton UDC
John Prosser Special Constable
Ernie Prosser Special Policeman
Robert Pulvertaft Emergency Medical Service
Caroline Schafran Helper under evacuation
William Swain Auxiliary Fireman
Reginald Talbot Auxiliary Fireman Eton UDC
George Tarrant Special Constable
Ernie Thomas Special Policeman
Florence Thurston British Red Cross Nursing Auxiliary
Robert Weatherall Air Raid Warden Part time Eton Urban and South Bucks Councils
Ken  Weller ARP Messenger
Hubert Wells Eton Fire Brigade
Edward Wilkinson ARP Warden
Harry Wilson ARP messenger
William Woolhouse ARP
Ernest Woolhouse ARP Demolition Eton Wick

This article includes information from The 1939 Register, Frank Bond's articles in Our Village and Round and About Eton Wick: 1939 - 1945. 

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