Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Eton Wick In 1939

Map of the Village in 1935 Courtesy of the National Library for Scotland
The village of Eton Wick situated on the North bank of the river Thames to the west of Eton College and Windsor, was before boundary changes, within the Eton Urban district of the County of Buckinghamshire. .Including the area of Boveney New Town, the village population was approximately 1000. 

Farming, domestic service at Eton College, the retail trade of Eton and Windsor and the manufacturing companies on the Slough trading estate provided employment for many village families.  During 1938 work commenced on the installation of a mains sewerage system for the village. This was completed in 1941 but the much spoken of electric supply was not installed until 1946 due to the declaration of war.

The School, Institute, Church, and Chapel were the centers for many of the village activities. Clubs and Societies, Guides and Brownies and other organizations met in the Institute, now known as the Village Hall, for gymnastics, billiards, and other social activities.

The Scout Troop and Wolf Cubs paraded at their headquarters hut situated in the Wheatbutts.  During 1939 a change to parade drill introduced for the armed forces of marching in column of three instead of column of four was adopted by Scouts and Guides.  

This is an extract from Round and About Eton Wick: 1939 - 1945. The book was researched, written and published in 2001 by John Denham. 

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