Monday, 28 August 2023


THE following particulars of the various ornaments in the Parish Church may be of interest, especially to strangers.

In 1864 the north-west window was filled with stained glass, representing St. John in old age, and St. John writing the Book of Revelation.

About the same time subscriptions were collected to fill the great east window in memory of the Prince Consort, who had died in 1862.

This was carried out by Mr. O'Connor in 1865. The principal subjects of the window are our Lord's appearances after the Resurrection to Mary Magdalene, to the Disciples by the lake, and to the women in the garden. In the lower panels are represented the Bearing of the Cross, the Crucifixion and Burial, and in upper tracery our Lord in glory.

In the same year the south-west window was inserted. This represents St. Peter and St. John at the Beautiful Gate, and the confirmation of the Disciples at Samaria.

The window in the chancel aisle, put in by Bishop Chapman in 1866 in memory of his daughter, depicts the raising of Jairus' daughter and the meeting of Martha after the death of Lazarus.

The other windows on the south side represent, 1st, the call of the sons of Zebedee (in memory of T. and A. Ingalton), 2nd, ' the surnaming them Boanerges,' 3rd (in memory of the eldest son of Thomas and Ann Ingalton), 'the raising of the widow of Nain's son.' On the north side nearest the tower the window represents 'St. John at the Cross receiving the charge of the Lord's mother.' It was given by Rev. N. L. Shuldham, formerly Conduct of Eton.

All the above windows were executed by Mr. O'Connor.

The other windows are the work of Buriison and Gryll. The one in the sanctuary represents our Lord as the Great High Priest and Melchisidek ; the panels beneath, the Institution of the Eucharist and Melchisidek meeting Abraham.

The second is Mary and Martha, with works of mercy below. This latter was executed in memory of Mrs. Forbes, wife of Colonel Forbes of Willowbrook, who for many years was an active and generous worker among the poor of Eton.

The brass near is in memory of a son of theirs, a young officer killed in the Afghan campaign.

In the nave, north aisle, are windows presented by Mr. Ingalton Drake : Christ walking on the water, and Christ as the Good Shepherd.

The reredos in alabaster was designed by Mr. Woodyer and executed in 1868. The sanctuary wall was decorated and the arcade work carried out in 1875.

In the same year the tenor bell was hung in memory of John Wilkinson, cast by Messrs. Warner, weighing 9 cwt., and the organ was built by Messrs. Hill with swell and pedal at the cost of ‘549. A second manual was added ten years later.

The oak chancel screen was designed by Mr. A. Y. Nutt and erected in 1883 at the cost of £121.

The funds for the brass eagle lectern executed by Barkentin and Kraal, Regent Street, were collected by a member of the St. John's Communicant Guild.

The altar candlesticks were given by the Rev. John Wilder.

The altar cross was presented in 1890.

The colouring of the nave pillars and walls, carried out by Burlison and Gryll, was done by degrees 1892-1897.

The lowering of the nave roof and removal of the clerestory windows took place in 1893. In the same year a handsome brass alms dish was given.

In 1895 a silver-gilt chalice and paten of beautiful work and set in jewels, executed by Barkentin and Kraal, was presented by Mrs. Layard and Rev. E. B. Layard in memory of Mrs. Shephard.

In 1896 the corona was given by the parishioners in memory of the same lady. It was designed by Mr. T. B. Carter. The niches contain the figures of the Twelve Apostles, carved in Italy, St. Paul taking the place of Judas Iscariot.

The litany desk was given also in 1896 in memory of the Rev. Thomas Dalton.

The chancel was repaved in black and white marble by Farmer and Brindley. Stalls for the choir were also provided in 1897.

In 1899 the organ loft and an approach to it was arranged by Messrs. Wheeler, and the organ was reconstructed and enlarged.

The clergy stalls were also given, and the altar rails were replaced by altar kneelers. In 1903 a sanctuary carpet was presented by the Guild, and in 1904 an oak pulpit was placed in its original position at the chancel arch.

Most of these additions or alterations were affected by free-will offerings, and without any appeal to the public.

OLD DAYS OF ETON PARISH by The Rev. John Shephard, M.A. was published in 1908 by Spottiswoode and Co Ltd. The text has been copied from the original book that is now out of copyright.

This is the final chapter from the Rev. Shephard's book. The complete book can be found by following this link.

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