Thursday, 30 April 2020

War Memorial Committee Meetings Held in April and May 1920

Committee Meeting held on April 30th 1920

Proposed Mr Vaughan, seconded Mr Barrett that peter Knight's name be added to the Memorial, he having enlisted from Boveney. It was decided that Harry Quarterman was not eligible for inclusion as he lived in Hanwell before the war. 

Mr Sargeant's account was presented:-

Amount of account an estimated: £173/18/-             
Extras                                           £    8/11/-
Rise in labour costs                      £  15/ 2/6
Total                                              £197/11/6

The committee thought that the "Rise in Labour" excess was not due, as no mention was made at the time of contract. It was decided to pay the £173/18/- on account and to pay Mr Nutt, the architect, £10 on account of his amended £20 fee. AS this practically absorbed the funds, it was decided to call a Public Meeting on May 19th to consider further fund raising.

Public Meeting held May 19th 1920

The Rev. McAnally explained to the meeting the financial situation. The Committee thought Sargeant’s had no claim for the labour surcharge, but morally it should be paid, if not legally. Mrs Nottage suggested every household be invited to pay 6 pence. and this would probably raise £15. Mr Howell asked if money from whist drives would be alright. The following were collected in the meeting.

Mr Oliver, Mr Nottage, Mr Anderson, Mr Morris, Mr & Mrs Barrett, Mrs Ashman, Mrs Morris, Miss Stearn, Mr Burfoot, Mrs Miles donated 10/- (ten shillings) each, Rev. McAnally, 12/6, Mrs Wilcox, 2/6, Mr Percy, £1/10/- and College Masters, £4/10/-. A total of £11/15/-.

Committee Meeting with lady helpers held May 28th 1920

Agreed to hold a house to house collection for sale items to be held on June 23rd. Ladies to make all arrangements.

This is an extract from Their Names Shall Be Carved in Stone  
and published here with grateful thanks to the author Frank Bond.

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