Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Eton Wick Census 1881

The United Kingdom Census of 1881 recorded the people residing in every household on the night of 3rd April 1881, and was the fifth of the UK censuses to include details of household members. The total population of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland (all the 32 counties of Northern Ireland and what is now the Irish Republic) was recorded as 34,884,848 persons.

Details collected include: address, name, relationship to the head of the family, marital status, age at last birthday, gender, occupation, and place of birth.

The registration District was Eton, Bucks and the sub district Eton. Enumeration District No. 6 and the enumerator was John W. Harding.

It should be noted that Eton Wick in 1881 only included the houses on the northern side of the Eton Wick Road as far west as Bell Farm. 

The 1881 Census reveals that there were 104 households and 519 people resident in the village on the 3rd April. The oldest person, Elizabeth Tarrant was 82 and was born in 1799. There were two residents in their 80’s. The youngest at two months was Emily Murkett. There were 2 babies born in the first three months of 1881.

We will be looking deeper into what the census reveals about Eton Wick and publish our findings in future articles. This is the second part of our Census Project.

Click on this link to view the 1881 census transcription for Eton Wick. Or copy and paste this URL into your internet browser search bar. 

The map of Eton Wick was first published in The Story of a Village: Eton Wick 1217 to 1977 by Judith Hunter

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